Celebrate A Simple Life

it is no bad thing

Josiah’s Doctor Pictures July 28, 2008

Filed under: JOSIAH!,pictures — Ellie @ 11:51 am

Most people reading here have already heard about Josiah’s trip to the hospital in Memphis Friday… here are some pictures. 

Josiah at the pediatrician Friday morning

On the way to LeBonuer

After he got his IV in

Sleeping after his CT scan

Notice it getting better yet?

Yay! Going home


Abby’s Grace July 24, 2008

Filed under: random — Ellie @ 12:16 pm

Momma and I are working on this new blog. We still have our other site as well.



A day in Memphis July 16, 2008

Filed under: Annie,JOSIAH!,life,Mercy,pictures — Ellie @ 12:36 pm

Yestreday Josiah had a dr. appointment in Memphis. Momma, Annie, Mercy & I went with him.

Annie and Mercy had a WONDERFUL FUN time. We went to the Zoo after the doctor and they got to ride the train, stand in the sprinlkler and play in the water at the front (we don’t usually do those things when we visit the zoo). Annie saw a trolley and was EXTREMELY impressed. She asked “Do they have trolleys in Mississippi?” I said that I didn’t know of any, and she had a great idea: “Let’s buy one & bring it to Mississippi!” They ate lots of french-fries, ice-cream and other junk food… Anyway, here are some pictures. 

Mercy and Annie loved the train at the zoo…

but Josiah just thought it was a good place for sleeping!

Hannah and Josiah this morning


Mercy & Josiah July 11, 2008

Filed under: JOSIAH!,Mercy,pictures,random — Ellie @ 10:35 pm

The Beautiful

The Handsome


Josiah, Berries, Mercy & Crae… July 1, 2008

Filed under: JOSIAH!,life,Mercy,pictures,random — Ellie @ 9:35 pm



After his bath tonight, Josiah had a really long happy time in his boppy. He is such a joy to be around! (Too bad the camera ran out of charge, but I still got some good pictures.)

The fruit is coming in! We got around 13-15 gallons of blueberries today. We also have a plum tree (the bugs already took care of those, though 😦 ), two peach trees (ripe and delicious right now!), an apple tree and two pear trees (still cooking), thornless blackberries (I don’t care for them, but Macrae sure was putting them down today!), some rasberries (not producing right now), various sorts of grape, and a fig tree (not ripe yet). Whew! Good thing we like fruit!

Mercy giving Macrae a ride the other night :-). Aren’t they so cute?