Celebrate A Simple Life

it is no bad thing

The Big + pt. 2 (links) October 29, 2009

O.K, so I’m FINALLY posting the second part on this subject… although those who didn’t know I even had a second part probably didn’t notice… hmm…

First, visit the websites of Project Hopeful, Ahope, and the some of the sites listed here. Go ahead, do it. Read There Is No Me Without You (((older readers))). Research HIV.

Did you do it? Now consider what you have read: HIV is not so easily transmitted nor so “scary” as you might have thought. Now consider this: even if it was, that would be no excuse for God’s people to neglect His call to care for the “least of these.” Isn’t His carrying our disease and conquering us with His love enough to compel us to us to carry them- their sickness and their souls- before His throne? Isn’t it enough to inspire us to show them that love? Do we believe that the love of Christ is enough? Do we believe it will reach even them? “‘Love never fails’- is love failing now?” (Amy Carmichael)


The Big + October 6, 2009

Filed under: Christian living,HIV,prayer request — Ellie @ 12:45 pm

What if, when the love of God constrained you to consider touching the untouchable, you found out that the untouchable are very touchable after all- and huggable, feelable, lovable?

I wonder how most of my blog readers will respond to this post in their minds? There are, I suppose, a great lot of not-knowers. If you are a not-knower, I strongly suggest that you pursue becoming a knower (talk to Momma!). I am not blind to the fact that I myself do not know everything there is to know on the subject. Here is some of what I do know.

Right now, children & adults in Africa are dying because they cannot get the lifesaving ARVs they need- medications which are very gettable in the U.S. Children who with the proper treatment could live “normal” lives- like Josiah

josieLike Mercy

mom 173Like the children you love.

How long will this go on?

Until people know?

Until people understand?

Until people stop being afraid- afraid to touch?

Until we see their faces?

Until we realise they’re real?

Until we love enough to touch, hug, feel, pray for?

I’m for real. The body of Christ is called to follow in His steps. Christ carried our disease- will we be satisfied to let them die of theirs? They too need the love of Christ- will we show them that love? Inasmuch as we visit the least of these sick, we’ve done it unto Him. Will we ‘do it unto Him’? Will we pray? Will we love like Christ?

Will we?


ADOPTION NEWS!!! December 29, 2008

Filed under: adoption,Holiday,JOSIAH!,Mercy,pictures,prayer request — Ellie @ 8:32 pm

Yeah, I know. After the post on Momma’s blog, this joke is getting a little old. That’s what I’ve been feeling like lately too, it’s geting old. Somehow, it seems even MORE urgent this time around– maybe because I know that probably right now, my little siblings are born & growing older every day- alone. Sometimes we wish we could have everything our way, you know. But we can’t. Because of the curcumstances God has placed our family in, we cannot even begin to work toward having our little ones home. This is where we have to grow- grow to trust God better, trust that He will open those gates in His timing if it is His will for us to do this thing.

So here we are again, much like this time a year ago, and that is the theme of this post- the waiting part of adoption. It isn’t easy. It is so hard, so hard. Now, we’re just waiting to wait- which is extra trying. It will probably be a while before I’ll be posting any news here. I’m waiting for news too.

Please continue to keep us in your prayers.


About Josiah’s adoption– pray that we will be able to finalise in February as planned.



Mercy before the feast


What would have been on our cards if we had taken it on time

japen siah

Jake & Josiah having a brother moment


add your own caption


(the pitures in earliers post were a few from our family christmas feast & one of Annie, Jake & Mercy)


PLEASE PRAY December 17, 2008

Filed under: prayer request — Ellie @ 4:44 pm

Please pray for this family.

Pray that God’s peace will rest on them as His plan for baby Kayleigh unfolds.


Somewhere between Detroit & Amsterdam… October 15, 2008

Filed under: life,Mercy,prayer request,random — Ellie @ 7:39 pm

That is where Jake is right now. Up in the sky. In am airplane. He is supposed to be arriving in Addis about at 1:05pm tomorrow (our time). Please keep Jake in your prayers as well as the four others from Christ Church, New Albany who are going to Ethiopia for round 6 of PTI.

To read about PTI in the past-


And hopefully Mr. Anthony will keep this updated while they’re there-


Mercy says that right now, Jake is on a plane with An-fa-ny and Chuck Baggett but soon he’ll be in Opiopia (where the cookies are going!). She miss him. After we left the airport she kept trying to tell us that we forgot to get Jake- but some fruit snacks & pringles cheered her up.


Jake- In case you are able to read this, we miss you so much!!!

We went to the zoo & had a picnic after the airport. At one point I fell behind & isen’t it strange how when one person is gone our family suddenly seems so small?

I hope you’re having a fruitful trip so far! Love You!

(crazy thing wont let me post a picture! whats up with that?)

Oh, and one more thing- this doesn’t mean I’ve forgotten about my last post on Adoption- part two is still coming.


Adoption Update April 17, 2008

Filed under: adoption,prayer request — Ellie @ 6:46 pm

***We got Ben b c. Hannah now has her ssn and all we’re waiting for is Ben’s. More later.

O.K, so you’re thinking “more later. Ha.” But I really have been rather busy. Plus, they changed up the wordpress site and I really haven’t figured it out yet. But anyhow here I am. BTW, Ben’s SSN came about a week ago. FINALLY!

*** If you haven’t read THIS POST on Momma’s blog yet, go there first***

So we think (Momma say’s you’re never sure ’til the money’s in your hand) that we will have the $9800.00 placement fee by the time the baby mentioned in Momma’s post is born. As you can imagine, the excitement of recieving the news that the funds were coming was only excelled by the excitement of actually calling J and telling her (which was done with all speed). J said that the baby is a girl and the mother is scedualed to have her April 29th (we thought at first that it was the 28th, the anniversary of Abby’s birth). 

The people at our adoption agency decided to wait until the day after Baby Girl # 1 is born to show our profile book. That is a little under two weeks, and the waiting is not easy. Daddy is nearly convinced that she is our Baby- J tries not to get too involved but she says we DO  seem so perfect for Baby Girl # 1 and she really thinks that she is ours. She is NOT ours yet. The birthmom will be looking at our profile book and possibly one other family (they have not decided yet) on or around the 30th of this month and she will pick the family.

Please, Please, Please pray for Baby Girl # 1 AND her birthmom, as well as our own family.

For those interested– We have decided on the name “Lydia Hope” for a girl or “Josiah Jackson” for a boy.



Riley Kids Photo February 28, 2008

Filed under: adoption,pictures,prayer request,random — Ellie @ 10:48 pm

Annice came today for our final Homestudy visit. BUT we will be able to keep seeing her after we get the Baby because she’ll be doing the post-placement visits (SCORE! She really IS the best social worker ever.)

Now we’re working on our profile book b/c Momma email our dear birthmother letter to Judy & she suggested we combine it with our book- I’m taking a break from gathering up photos to write this. I think Momma’s going to go to Hobby Lobby tomorrow & get a book, then we’ll be able to start working on it in ernest.

Plese don’t forget to continue in praying for the Mathenia’s– I find that it is easy to remember to pray for them now, while our own loss is so fresh & we miss Mrs. Amber so much.–But perhaps you have noticed as I have that it is not as easy to remember Mr. Anthony and those darling babies as it was a month ago. We DO NOT need to forget them.

 AND, for those of you who are wondering, Hannah now officially exists and Ben will soon.

Sorry this is such a rambling & disconnected post! I really just got on here to post this picture we took today:

Riley Kids


Update February 26, 2008

Filed under: adoption,disconnected thoughts,life,prayer request,random,Sarah — Ellie @ 8:17 pm

Ok, I know I’m not really a very frequent “poster”. I have plenty to say- it floats around in my head- but I have not been able to just get it all ‘out of my hand’ (my left hand, Mr. Ron. I’m not ashamed of it). Some of it’s on my laptop, though, halfway written down, so check back soon (I can’t get online with that thing!).

Right now, here’s a quick update on the adoption-

Sometimes, it seems like we’re getting close to getting a baby… sometimes, it feels like that time will never arrive. Right now Momma is upstairs working on the “dear birth-mother letter”- this is the last this to do before sending in the application to LifeChoices. I asked Momma today when our final home-study visit is scheduled for and I thinkshe said Annice will be coming on Thursday. After that visit, she will be able to close out the home-study.

I’m searching through our photo’s for some good ones to put in the profile book. There are PLENTY of good pictures of Mercy, Dad & Ben. They’re just really photogenic. In all of the pic’s of Hannah or Annie they’re making poses & trying to look ‘dramatic’, Sarah Joy always has a ‘smart-alec’ look, and as for everyone else we just don’t have that many pictures of them. So looks like we’ll have to take some pictures (we won’t have any problem with THAT.)

Please do continue to pray for our adoption.



I haven’t posted in awhile… February 18, 2008

Filed under: pictures,prayer request,random — Ellie @ 8:36 pm

However, I haven’t really taken the time to “think out” a post… if you want to read something good, visit Jake’s blog.

Riley Family

 Trey (holding Mercy Kate), Ben, Hannah, Ellie, Jake, Emma, Annie (in front of Emma),Sarah Joy, Daddy, and Momma.

After church services Sunday, we got Savannah to take our family picture to send in with our adoption application.  If you have ever tried to take a picture with eleven people (many of whom are children) before, you probably understand why we didn’t get any very good shots…  

Book Study


So it was the middle of bookstudy, and Momma uses sign language to instruct me to go get the camera, and then to take a picture… well everyone was looking around thinking “what was that flash?” and “don’t tell me Lelly or Annie got their hands on the camera!” Any, I’m glad we have the picture… and I think Momma’s idea was that we could use it in our profile book. 

Anakin and Padme

I said I’d post a picture of the pigs…

That’s Anakin in the front & behind him is Padme (she’s prettier than Anakin!)


Please pray for our adoption…



Amber Mathenia 2 January 26, 2008

Filed under: faith,prayer request,random — Ellie @ 11:27 pm

I am so thankful right now that tomorrow is Sunday- a much needed day of rest. I feel entirely worn out, emotionally & physically. I can only imagine how Mr. Anthony must feel right now… as well as Mrs. Amber’s sister, April; her mom, Laura; and her dad, Mitch. Please, please pray for these people!

I had meant to post these few songs several days ago, but have not really had time yet:

Amber Mathenia’s Favourite

(or, one of them)

Here is love, vast as the ocean,

Loving-kindness as the flood,

When the Prince of life, our ransom,

Shed for us His precious blood.

Who His love will not remember?

Who can cease to sing His praise?

He can never be forgotten

Throughout Heaven’s eternal days.

On the Mount of Crucifixion

Fountains opened deep and wide;

Through the floodgates of God’s mercy

Flowed a vast and gracious tide.

Grace and love, like mighty rivers,

Poured incessant from above,

And heaven’s peace, and perfect justice

Kissed a guilty world in Love.

-William Rees

One of the ladies at our Wednesday night ladies prayer meeting mentioned this song while praying for Mr. Anthony in particular…

“Hold Me Jesus”

Sometimes my life just don’t make sense at all

When the mountains look so big

And my faith just seems so small

So hold me Jesus ’cause I’m shaking like a leaf

You have been King of my glory

Won’t You be my Prince of Peace?

-Rich Mullins

It is so hard sometimes to have faith enough, to have faith that our God is faithful, although my life proves that He most certainly is faithful… He will not leave us, nor forsake us. He is faithful, I know He is, but it at times becomes so hard to remember. Yet now, even wile it is so hard to remember it is also quite easy at the same time, because Christ is with me even now, I know that He is will me. I am not sure the exact quote, but Rutherford said something, something like “whether Christ comes bearing a rod or a crown, if He come Himself with it, it is well”.

It is my prayer that many will come to Christ, and that those who know Him already may come to a deeper understanding of Him even in the midst of this difficult time.  

How full of Joy must Mrs. Amber’s face be right now! The hardships that once saddened her are gone, and the sins that we struggle with still are a thing of the past for her. Now, she is with God, now, she is surrounded by all of the saints who have gone before us: Paul the Apostle, Amy Carmichael, Samuel Rutherford, John the Baptist, Moses, Noah- and there, there face to face with her is our Christ! I cannot begin to imagine what is must be like, what it looks like and what it feels like, to be free from sin and everything that comes with it. But she knows. She is there, right now.

There will come a time in all of our lives when all of the work which Christ had for us here will be finished, and He will take us to be with Him. There will come a time also when that point will come in the life of someone we love. I do not know about everyone else, but for me, this is long before my human time for Mrs. Amber to leave. To us, who do not know God’s eternal plan, it seem so early for her to leave us: we were not ready for her to go. Yet Christ saw fit to take her to Himself. It hurts, but all mixed with the hurt is a Joy which I cannot begin to express, the Joy of knowing that this is not the end at all, and there really never actually is an end.

“There is nothing but perfect garden-flowers in Heaven, and the best plenishing that is there is Christ” -Samuel Rutherford 

O Christ, He is the fountain,

The deep, sweet well of love;

The streams of earth I’ve tasted,

More deep I’ll drink above;

There, to an ocean fullness,

His mercy doth expand,

And glory, glory dwelleth

In Immanuel’s land.

-Anne Ross Cousin